connect static method

Future<IOWebSocket> connect(
  1. Uri url, {
  2. Iterable<String>? protocols,

Create a new WebSocket connection using dart:io WebSocket.

The URL supplied in url must use the scheme ws or wss.

If provided, the protocols argument indicates that subprotocols that the peer is able to select. See RFC-6455 1.9.


static Future<IOWebSocket> connect(Uri url,
    {Iterable<String>? protocols}) async {
  if (!url.isScheme('ws') && !url.isScheme('wss')) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        url, 'url', 'only ws: and wss: schemes are supported');

  final io.WebSocket webSocket;
  try {
    webSocket =
        await io.WebSocket.connect(url.toString(), protocols: protocols);
  } on io.WebSocketException catch (e) {
    throw WebSocketException(e.message);

  if (webSocket.protocol != null &&
      !(protocols ?? []).contains(webSocket.protocol)) {
    // dart:io WebSocket does not correctly validate the returned protocol.
    // See
    await webSocket.close(1002); // protocol error
    throw WebSocketException(
        'unexpected protocol selected by peer: ${webSocket.protocol}');
  return IOWebSocket._(webSocket);