
web_reify is a static site generator for Dart, powered by the reify package. It provides a flexible and declarative approach to generating static websites from Markdown files and other assets.

Table of Contents


  • Markdown Processing: Convert Markdown files to HTML.
  • Static Asset Management: Copy static assets to the output directory.
  • Sitemap Generation: Automatically generate a sitemap for your site.
  • Robots.txt Generation: Create a robots.txt file for your site.
  • RSS Feed Generation: Generate an RSS feed for your site's content.
  • Hot Reload: Supports hot reload for efficient development.

Getting Started

To use web_reify in your Dart project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Dart project.
  2. Add the web_reify package to your pubspec.yaml file.


Basic Example

Create a Dart file (e.g., main.dart) with the following content:

import 'package:web_reify/web_reify.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) => generate(
      (context) => createSite(
          fullSite: 'https://example.com',
          robots: {'User-agent': '*', 'Disallow': ''},
          sitemap: {'/': 1.0},
          changefreq: 'daily',
          pages: {
                input: 'content/**.md',
                parse: (frontMatter) => frontMatter,
                output: (data) => data.map((e) => (
                      path: '${e.data.title}.html',
                      data: e.data.content.render(),

Running the Generator

Run the generator using the Dart CLI:

dart run main.dart


Copy Static Assets

Use the copyStatic function to copy static assets to the output directory.

Generate Markdown Table of Contents

Use the documentContents function to create a table of contents from Markdown files.

Convert Markdown to HTML

Use the markdown.dart library to convert Markdown files to HTML and work with them as structured Dart Records.

Generate robots.txt

Use the createRobotsTxt function to generate a robots.txt file for your site.

Generate RSS Feed

Use the generateRSS function to create an RSS feed for your site's content.

Generate Sitemap

Use the writeSitemap function to generate a sitemap for your site.

createSite Function

The createSite function integrates all the basic functionalities provided by web_reify, including copying static assets, processing Markdown files, generating a sitemap, and creating a robots.txt file. This function simplifies the process of setting up a static site generator by combining these features into a single, cohesive workflow.

