fonts/web_fonts_base library


httpClient ↔ Client
getter/setter pair


clearCache() → void
loadFontsIfNecessary(String fontFamily, Map<WebFontsVariant, WebFontsFile> fonts) Future<void>
Loads a font into the FontLoader
webFontsTextStyle({required String fontFamily, TextStyle? textStyle, Color? color, Color? backgroundColor, double? fontSize, FontWeight? fontWeight, FontStyle? fontStyle, double? letterSpacing, double? wordSpacing, TextBaseline? textBaseline, double? height, Locale? locale, Paint? foreground, Paint? background, List<Shadow>? shadows, List<FontFeature>? fontFeatures, TextDecoration? decoration, Color? decorationColor, TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle, double? decorationThickness, required Map<WebFontsVariant, WebFontsFile> fonts}) TextStyle
Creates a TextStyle that either uses the fontFamily for the requested