utils library
- ContractERC1155
- Dart Class for ERC1155 Contract, A standard API for fungibility-agnostic and gas-efficient tokens within smart contracts.
- ContractERC1155Burnable
- Dart Class for ERC1155Burnable Contract that allows token holders to destroy both their own tokens and those that they have been approved to use.
- ContractERC1155Supply
- Dart Class for ERC1155Supply Contract that adds tracking of total supply per id to normal ERC1155.
- ContractERC1155SupplyBurnable
- Dart Class for both ContractERC1155Supply and ContractERC1155Burnable combined.
- ContractERC20
- Dart Class for ERC20 Contract, A standard API for tokens within smart contracts.
- Multicall
- MulticallPayload
- MulticallResult
- ERC1155Burnable
- Dart Mixin for ERC1155Burnable that allows token holders to destroy both their own tokens and those that they have been approved to use.
- ERC1155Supply
- Dart Mixin for ERC1155Supply that adds tracking of total supply per id to normal ERC1155.