AudioContext extension type

The AudioContext interface represents an audio-processing graph built from audio modules linked together, each represented by an AudioNode.

An audio context controls both the creation of the nodes it contains and the execution of the audio processing, or decoding. You need to create an AudioContext before you do anything else, as everything happens inside a context. It's recommended to create one AudioContext and reuse it instead of initializing a new one each time, and it's OK to use a single AudioContext for several different audio sources and pipeline concurrently.

Implemented types
Available extensions


AudioContext([AudioContextOptions contextOptions])


audioWorklet AudioWorklet
no setterinherited
baseLatency num
no setter
currentTime num
no setterinherited
destination AudioDestinationNode
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
listener AudioListener
no setterinherited
onsinkchange EventHandler?
getter/setter pair
onstatechange EventHandler?
getter/setter pairinherited
outputLatency num
no setter
renderCapacity AudioRenderCapacity
no setter
renderQuantumSize int
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sampleRate num
no setterinherited
sinkId JSAny
no setter
state AudioContextState
no setterinherited


addEventListener(String type, EventListener? callback, [JSAny options]) → void
The addEventListener() method of the EventTarget interface sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target.
close() JSPromise<JSAny?>
The close() method of the AudioContext Interface closes the audio context, releasing any system audio resources that it uses.
createAnalyser() AnalyserNode
The createAnalyser() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates an AnalyserNode, which can be used to expose audio time and frequency data and create data visualizations.
createBiquadFilter() BiquadFilterNode
The createBiquadFilter() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a BiquadFilterNode, which represents a second order filter configurable as several different common filter types.
createBuffer(int numberOfChannels, int length, num sampleRate) AudioBuffer
The createBuffer() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a new, empty AudioBuffer object, which can then be populated by data, and played via an AudioBufferSourceNode
createBufferSource() AudioBufferSourceNode
The createBufferSource() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a new AudioBufferSourceNode, which can be used to play audio data contained within an AudioBuffer object. AudioBuffers are created using BaseAudioContext.createBuffer or returned by BaseAudioContext.decodeAudioData when it successfully decodes an audio track.
createChannelMerger([int numberOfInputs]) ChannelMergerNode
The createChannelMerger() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a ChannelMergerNode, which combines channels from multiple audio streams into a single audio stream.
createChannelSplitter([int numberOfOutputs]) ChannelSplitterNode
The createChannelSplitter() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a ChannelSplitterNode, which is used to access the individual channels of an audio stream and process them separately.
createConstantSource() ConstantSourceNode
The createConstantSource() property of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a ConstantSourceNode object, which is an audio source that continuously outputs a monaural (one-channel) sound signal whose samples all have the same value.
createConvolver() ConvolverNode
The createConvolver() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a ConvolverNode, which is commonly used to apply reverb effects to your audio. See the spec definition of Convolution for more information.
createDelay([num maxDelayTime]) DelayNode
The createDelay() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a DelayNode, which is used to delay the incoming audio signal by a certain amount of time.
createDynamicsCompressor() DynamicsCompressorNode
The createDynamicsCompressor() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a DynamicsCompressorNode, which can be used to apply compression to an audio signal.
createGain() GainNode
The createGain() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a GainNode, which can be used to control the overall gain (or volume) of the audio graph.
createIIRFilter(JSArray<JSNumber> feedforward, JSArray<JSNumber> feedback) IIRFilterNode
The createIIRFilter() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates an IIRFilterNode, which represents a general infinite impulse response (IIR) filter which can be configured to serve as various types of filter.
createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement mediaElement) MediaElementAudioSourceNode
The createMediaElementSource() method of the AudioContext Interface is used to create a new MediaElementAudioSourceNode object, given an existing HTML audio or video element, the audio from which can then be played and manipulated.
createMediaStreamDestination() MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
The createMediaStreamDestination() method of the AudioContext Interface is used to create a new MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode object associated with a WebRTC MediaStream representing an audio stream, which may be stored in a local file or sent to another computer.
createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream mediaStream) MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
The createMediaStreamSource() method of the AudioContext Interface is used to create a new MediaStreamAudioSourceNode object, given a media stream (say, from a MediaDevices.getUserMedia instance), the audio from which can then be played and manipulated.
createMediaStreamTrackSource(MediaStreamTrack mediaStreamTrack) MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode
The createMediaStreamTrackSource() method of the AudioContext interface creates and returns a MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode which represents an audio source whose data comes from the specified MediaStreamTrack.
createOscillator() OscillatorNode
The createOscillator() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates an OscillatorNode, a source representing a periodic waveform. It basically generates a constant tone.
createPanner() PannerNode
The createPanner() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a new PannerNode, which is used to spatialize an incoming audio stream in 3D space.
createPeriodicWave(JSArray<JSNumber> real, JSArray<JSNumber> imag, [PeriodicWaveConstraints constraints]) PeriodicWave
The createPeriodicWave() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to create a PeriodicWave, which is used to define a periodic waveform that can be used to shape the output of an OscillatorNode.
createScriptProcessor([int bufferSize, int numberOfInputChannels, int numberOfOutputChannels]) ScriptProcessorNode
The createScriptProcessor() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a ScriptProcessorNode used for direct audio processing.
createStereoPanner() StereoPannerNode
The createStereoPanner() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a StereoPannerNode, which can be used to apply stereo panning to an audio source. It positions an incoming audio stream in a stereo image using a low-cost panning algorithm.
createWaveShaper() WaveShaperNode
The createWaveShaper() method of the BaseAudioContext interface creates a WaveShaperNode, which represents a non-linear distortion. It is used to apply distortion effects to your audio.
decodeAudioData(JSArrayBuffer audioData, [DecodeSuccessCallback? successCallback, DecodeErrorCallback? errorCallback]) JSPromise<AudioBuffer>
The decodeAudioData() method of the BaseAudioContext Interface is used to asynchronously decode audio file data contained in an ArrayBuffer that is loaded from fetch, XMLHttpRequest, or FileReader. The decoded AudioBuffer is resampled to the AudioContext's sampling rate, then passed to a callback or promise.
dispatchEvent(Event event) bool
The dispatchEvent() method of the EventTarget sends an Event to the object, (synchronously) invoking the affected event listeners in the appropriate order. The normal event processing rules (including the capturing and optional bubbling phase) also apply to events dispatched manually with dispatchEvent().
getOutputTimestamp() AudioTimestamp
The getOutputTimestamp() method of the AudioContext interface returns a new AudioTimestamp object containing two audio timestamp values relating to the current audio context.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeEventListener(String type, EventListener? callback, [JSAny options]) → void
The removeEventListener() method of the EventTarget interface removes an event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener from the target. The event listener to be removed is identified using a combination of the event type, the event listener function itself, and various optional options that may affect the matching process; see Matching event listeners for removal.
resume() JSPromise<JSAny?>
The resume() method of the AudioContext interface resumes the progression of time in an audio context that has previously been suspended.
setSinkId(JSAny sinkId) JSPromise<JSAny?>
The setSinkId() method of the AudioContext interface sets the output audio device for the AudioContext. If a sink ID is not explicitly set, the default system audio output device will be used.
suspend() JSPromise<JSAny?>
The suspend() method of the AudioContext Interface suspends the progression of time in the audio context, temporarily halting audio hardware access and reducing CPU/battery usage in the process — this is useful if you want an application to power down the audio hardware when it will not be using an audio context for a while.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.