weatherapi library
A plugin for fetching weather forecasting via
- AirQualityData
- A class to represent air quality data.
- AlertData
- A class to represent forecast alerts.
- AstroData
- A class to represent forecast astro data.
- ConditionData
- A class to represent condition data.
- CurrentWeatherData
- A class to represent current weather data.
- DayData
- A class to represent forecast day data.
- ForecastDayData
- A class to represent forecast day data.
- ForecastWeather
- A class for storing Forecast API response data.
- HourData
- A class to represent forecast hour data.
- LocationData
- A class to represent a location data.
- LocationResultData
- A class to represent search results locations.
- RealtimeWeather
- A class for storing Realtime API response data.
- SearchResults
- A class for storing Search/Autocomplete API response data.
- WeatherRequest
- A class for fetching weather data in JSON format.
Exceptions / Errors
- WeatherAPIException
- Custom Exception for the library. An exception of this type is thrown whenever the API responds with an error.