specifyStartupTiming method

  1. @protected
void specifyStartupTiming(
  1. StartupTimingType specifier, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic> tags = const {},
  3. List<Reference> references = const [],

Creates a span with globalTracer from the start of load until now.

The specifier indicates the purpose of this span.

Any tags or references specified will be added to this span.


void specifyStartupTiming(
  StartupTimingType specifier, {
  Map<String, dynamic> tags = const {},
  List<Reference> references = const [],
}) {
  // Load didn't start
  if (_loadContext == null || _startLoadTime == null) {
    throw StateError(
        'Calling `specifyStartupTiming` before calling `load()`');

  final tracer = globalTracer();
  if (tracer == null) {
    return null;

        references: [tracer.followsFrom(_loadContext!)]..addAll(references),
        startTime: _startLoadTime,
        tags: _defaultTags..addAll(tags),

  _startLoadTime = null;