runtime/platform_widget_builder library


A builder for platform specific widgets.


AppBuilder = Widget Function(VyuhPlatform platform)
A builder for root Widget of the application. Typically this would be a MaterialApp or CupertinoApp.
ErrorViewBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, {dynamic error, VoidCallback? onRetry, String? retryLabel, bool showRestart, StackTrace? stackTrace, String? subtitle, required String title})
A builder for an error view widget.
ImagePlaceholderBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, {double? height, double? width})
A builder for an image placeholder widget.
Loader = Widget Function(BuildContext context)
A builder for a widget that is shown when the app is loading.
RouteErrorViewBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, {dynamic error, VoidCallback? onRetry, String? retryLabel, StackTrace? stackTrace, String? subtitle, required String title})
A builder for a route error view widget.
RouteLoader = Widget Function(BuildContext context, [Uri? url, String? routeId])
A builder for a widget that is shown when a route is loading.