debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId function

void debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId(
  1. String? path,
  2. String? routeId

Asserts only one of path or routeId is provided and not both. Asserts that only one of path or routeId is provided.

This method checks the following conditions:

  • Either path is null and routeId is not null.
  • OR path is not null and routeId is null.

If both path and routeId are provided or neither is specified, an AssertionError will be thrown in debug mode.


debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId('/home', null); // Valid.
debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId(null, 'route_123'); // Valid.
debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId('/home', 'route_123'); // Fails in debug mode.
debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId(null, null); // Fails in debug mode.

@param path An optional string representing the route path. @param routeId An optional string representing the route ID.


void debugAssertOneOfPathOrRouteId(String? path, String? routeId) {
    (path == null && routeId != null) || (path != null && routeId == null),
    'Either path or routeId must be specified, but not both.',