FontType enum





openSans → const FontType
baskerville → const FontType
cormorant → const FontType
sourceSerif → const FontType
sourceSans → const FontType
raleway → const FontType
ptSans → const FontType
pacifico → const FontType
breeSerif → const FontType
bonbon → const FontType
ropaSans → const FontType
amiri → const FontType
greatVibes → const FontType
zillaSlab → const FontType
nothingYouCouldDo → const FontType
indieFlower → const FontType
shadowsIntoLight → const FontType
reenieBeanie → const FontType
sueEllenFrancisco → const FontType
kurale → const FontType
dancingScript → const FontType
amatic → const FontType
architect → const FontType
sahitya → const FontType
garamond → const FontType
chewy → const FontType
comfortaa → const FontType
reenie → const FontType
satisfy → const FontType
alfaSlab → const FontType
josefinSans → const FontType
kaushanScript → const FontType
marckScript → const FontType
volkhov → const FontType
squadaOne → const FontType
bahianiata → const FontType
barriecito → const FontType
mountainsOfChristmas → const FontType
righteous → const FontType
geostar → const FontType
patuaOne → const FontType
permanent → const FontType
playfair → const FontType
specialElite → const FontType
courierPrime → const FontType
roboto → const FontType
karma → const FontType
rougeScript → const FontType
rubik → const FontType
siliguri → const FontType
meeraInimai → const FontType
slabo27px → const FontType
poiret → const FontType
reemKufi → const FontType
barlow → const FontType
comicNeue → const FontType
typewriter → const FontType
abrilFatface → const FontType
bebasneue → const FontType
inknutAntiqua → const FontType
lobster → const FontType
khand → const FontType
alegreya → const FontType
montserrat → const FontType
oswald → const FontType
poppins → const FontType
lato → const FontType
b612 → const FontType
hindSiliguri → const FontType
titilliumWeb → const FontType
varela → const FontType
vollkorn → const FontType
rakkas → const FontType
hindGuntur → const FontType
concertOne → const FontType
yatraOne → const FontType
notoSansGujarati → const FontType
oldStandardTT → const FontType
neonderthaw → const FontType
bungeeShade → const FontType
passionsConflict → const FontType
sedgwickAve → const FontType
notoNastaliqUrdu → const FontType
sacramento → const FontType
pressStart2P → const FontType
cabinSketch → const FontType
frederickatheGreat → const FontType
tiroDevanagariHindi → const FontType
rubikVinyl → const FontType
ewert → const FontType
unifrakturMaguntia → const FontType


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<FontType>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.