VWidgetGuard constructor

const VWidgetGuard({
  1. Key? key,
  2. void afterEnter(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. String? from,
    3. String to
    ) = VoidVGuard.voidAfterEnter,
  3. void afterUpdate(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. String? from,
    3. String to
    ) = VoidVGuard.voidAfterUpdate,
  4. Future<void> beforeUpdate(
    1. VRedirector vRedirector
    ) = VoidVGuard.voidBeforeUpdate,
  5. Future<void> beforeLeave(
    1. VRedirector? vRedirector,
    2. void saveHistoryState(
      1. Map<String, String> state
    ) = VoidVGuard.voidBeforeLeave,
  6. Future<void> onPop(
    1. VRedirector vRedirector
    ) = VoidVPopHandler.voidOnPop,
  7. Future<void> onSystemPop(
    1. VRedirector vRedirector
    ) = VoidVPopHandler.voidOnSystemPop,
  8. required Widget child,


const VWidgetGuard({
  Key? key,
  this.afterEnter = VoidVGuard.voidAfterEnter,
  this.afterUpdate = VoidVGuard.voidAfterUpdate,
  this.beforeUpdate = VoidVGuard.voidBeforeUpdate,
  this.beforeLeave = VoidVGuard.voidBeforeLeave,
  this.onPop = VoidVPopHandler.voidOnPop,
  this.onSystemPop = VoidVPopHandler.voidOnSystemPop,
  required this.child,
}) : super(key: key);