path property

String? path

The path (relative or absolute) or this VRouteElement

If the path of a subroute is exactly matched, this will be used in the route but might be covered by another VRouteElement._rootVRouter The value of the path ca have three form: * starting with '/': The path will be treated as a route path, this is useful to take full advantage of nested routes while conserving the freedom of path naming * not starting with '/': The path corresponding to this route will be the path of the parent route + this path. If this is used directly in the VRouter routes, a '/' will be added anyway * be null: In this case this path will match the parent path

Note we use the package path_to_regexp so you can use naming such as /user/:id to get the id (see VRouteElementData.pathParameters You can also use more advance technique using regexp directly in your path, for example '*' will match any route, '/user/:id(\d+)' will match any route starting with user and followed by a digit. Here is a recap: | pattern | matched path | VRouter.pathParameters | /user/:username | /user/evan | { username: 'evan' } | /user/:id(\d+) | /user/123 | { id: '123' } | * | every path | -


final String? path;