getNewParentPath method

GetNewParentPathResult getNewParentPath(
  1. GetNewParentPathResult parentPathResult, {
  2. required String? thisPath,
  3. required List<String> thisPathParametersKeys,
  4. required Map<String, String> pathParameters,

The goal is that, considering thisPath and parentPath we can form a new parentPath

For more details, see GetNewParentPathResult


GetNewParentPathResult getNewParentPath(
  GetNewParentPathResult parentPathResult, {
  required String? thisPath,
  required List<String> thisPathParametersKeys,
  required Map<String, String> pathParameters,
}) {
  // First check that we have the path parameters needed to have this path
  final missingPathParameters = thisPathParametersKeys
      .where((key) => !pathParameters.containsKey(key))

  if (missingPathParameters.isNotEmpty) {
    if (thisPath!.startsWith('/')) {
      return PathParamsErrorNewParentPath(
          pathParameters: missingPathParameters);
    } else {
      return PathParamsErrorNewParentPath(
        pathParameters: [
          if (parentPathResult is PathParamsErrorNewParentPath)

  if (thisPath == null) {
    // If the path is null, the new parent path is the same as the previous one
    return parentPathResult;

  final localPath =
      replacePathParameters(replaceWildcards(thisPath), pathParameters);
  final thisPathParameters = Map<String, String>.from(pathParameters)
    ..removeWhere((key, value) => !thisPathParametersKeys.contains(key));

  // If the path is absolute
  if (thisPath.startsWith('/')) {
    return ValidParentPathResult(
      path: localPath,
      pathParameters: thisPathParameters,

  // Else the path is relative

  // If the path is relative and the parent path is invalid, then this path is invalid
  if (parentPathResult is PathParamsErrorNewParentPath) {
    return parentPathResult;

  // Else this path is valid
  final parentPathValue =
      (parentPathResult as ValidParentPathResult).path ?? '';
  return ValidParentPathResult(
    path: parentPathValue +
        (!parentPathValue.endsWith('/') ? '/' : '') +
    pathParameters: {