WallReplyAttachmentModel class



WallReplyAttachmentModel(Map<String, dynamic> payload)


accessKey String?
Attachment access key.
no setterinherited
attachments List<AttachmentModel>
Media commentary attachments (photos, links, etc.). See https://dev.vk.com/ru/reference/objects/comment#attachments
no setter
attachType String
Attachment type.
createdAt int
The date the comment was created in Unixtime format.
no setter
donutPlacholder String?
a stub for users who have not subscribed to VK Donut.
no setter
fromId int
The ID of the comment author.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id int
Attachment ID.
no setteroverride
isDon bool?
is the commentator a VK Donut subscriber.
no setter
isReplyToComment bool?
The ID of the comment that the current one was left in response to (if applicable).
no setter
isReplyToUser bool?
The ID of the user or community to whom the current comment was left in response (if applicable).
no setter
isThreadCanPost bool?
can the current user leave comments in this thread.
no setter
isThreadGroupsCanPost bool?
can communities leave comments in the thread?
no setter
isThreadShowReplyButton bool?
do I need to display the reply button in the branch
no setter
ownerId int
Attachment owner identifier.
no setterinherited
parentsStack List<int>?
An array of IDs of parent comments.
no setter
payload Map<String, dynamic>
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
text String?
The text of the comment.
no setter
threadCount int?
the number of comments in the thread.
no setter
threadItems List<WallReplyAttachmentModel>?
an array of objects for comments on a record (only for the wall.getComments method).
no setter


checkBoolInProperty(String key) bool?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.