utils library


A modified implementation of tweetnacl that uses blake2b instead of sha256 Signature algorithm, Implements ed25519.


Uint8ListUtils on Uint8List


kBip39EnglishWords → const Set<String>


base64ToBytes(String data) Uint8List
bigIntToBytes(BigInt bigInt) Uint8List
bigIntToBytesUnsigned(BigInt bigInt) Uint8List
bytesToBase64(Uint8List bytes) String
bytesToBigInt(Uint8List bytes) BigInt
bytesToBigIntUnsigned(Uint8List bytes) BigInt
bytesToHex(Uint8List bytes) String
bytesUtf8ToString(Uint8List bytes) String
computePowDataHash(Address address, Hash previousHash) Hash
computeTxHash(RawTransaction transaction) Hash
digest({required Uint8List data, int digestSize = 32}) Uint8List
entropyHexToMnemonic(String entropyHex) String
generateMnemonic({int strength = 256}) String
hexToBytes(String hex) Uint8List
isContractReceiveSuccess({required Address address, required BlockType blockType, required Uint8List data}) bool
isHex(String hex) bool
isValidMnemonic(String mnemonic, {bool verifyChecksum = true}) bool
isValidMnemonicWord(String word) bool
leftPadBytes(Uint8List bytes, int size) Uint8List
mnemonicToEntropyHex(String mnemonic) String
mnemonicToSeed(String mnemonic, {String passphrase = ''}) Uint8List
powDataForTx(RawTransaction tx) Hash
publicKeyFromPrivateKey(Uint8List privateKey) Uint8List
rightPadBytes(Uint8List bytes, int size) Uint8List
sign({required Uint8List message, required Uint8List privateKey}) Uint8List
stringToBytesUtf8(String str) Uint8List
verify({required Uint8List signature, required Uint8List message, required Uint8List publicKey}) bool