A modified implementation of tweetnacl that uses blake2b instead of sha256
Signature algorithm, Implements ed25519.
base64ToBytes(String data)
→ Uint8List
bigIntToBytes(BigInt bigInt)
→ Uint8List
bigIntToBytesUnsigned(BigInt bigInt)
→ Uint8List
bytesToBase64(Uint8List bytes)
→ String
bytesToBigInt(Uint8List bytes)
→ BigInt
bytesToBigIntUnsigned(Uint8List bytes)
→ BigInt
bytesToHex(Uint8List bytes)
→ String
bytesUtf8ToString(Uint8List bytes)
→ String
computePowDataHash(Address address, Hash previousHash)
→ Hash
computeTxHash(RawTransaction transaction)
→ Hash
digest({required Uint8List data, int digestSize = 32})
→ Uint8List
entropyHexToMnemonic(String entropyHex)
→ String
generateMnemonic({int strength = 256})
→ String
hexToBytes(String hex)
→ Uint8List
isContractReceiveSuccess({required Address address, required BlockType blockType, required Uint8List data})
→ bool
isHex(String hex)
→ bool
isValidMnemonic(String mnemonic, {bool verifyChecksum = true})
→ bool
isValidMnemonicWord(String word)
→ bool
leftPadBytes(Uint8List bytes, int size)
→ Uint8List
mnemonicToEntropyHex(String mnemonic)
→ String
mnemonicToSeed(String mnemonic, {String passphrase = ''})
→ Uint8List
powDataForTx(RawTransaction tx)
→ Hash
publicKeyFromPrivateKey(Uint8List privateKey)
→ Uint8List
rightPadBytes(Uint8List bytes, int size)
→ Uint8List
sign({required Uint8List message, required Uint8List privateKey})
→ Uint8List
stringToBytesUtf8(String str)
→ Uint8List
verify({required Uint8List signature, required Uint8List message, required Uint8List publicKey})
→ bool