vanilla_state library


InheritedVanilla<Notifier extends VanillaNotifier>
Widget that holds a VanillaNotifier
InheritedVanillaElement<Notifier extends VanillaNotifier>
VanillaBuilder<Notifier extends VanillaNotifier<S>, S>
VanillaBuilder is a widget that builds itself based on the latest S state.
VanillaListener<Notifier extends VanillaNotifier<S>, S>
VanillaListener is a widget that invokes the listener callback whenever S state changes.
VanillaNotifier extends flutter's ValueNotifier but exposes extra methods like stream and state


VanillaListenerCallback<T> = void Function(T? previous, T current)
VanillaSelectorCallback<T> = bool Function(T? previous, T current)
VanillaWidgetBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T state)