Valuable<Output> class abstract

Main class Valuable

This class inherits of ChangeNotifier to manage its events.

It's importance to notice that the dispose of this object has to be done to avoid memory leaks and useless remaining references. For these reasons, the method dispose should be called when the object isn't used anymore.

It's possible to know if the Valuable object is still mounted by testing getter isMounted. When isMounted becomes false, it can't back to true, this object will die. Furthermore, it's possible to listen for the object unmounting by using the method listenDispose.

This class defines 2 factories to build simpler Valuable:

  • Valuable.value represent a Valuable at its simplest form : a value. No function, no dependencies, just a value that would be returned by getValue
  • Valuable.computed which is more complex but even more powerful. Indeed, the valuer param is a function, where Valuable calculate its self value. In fact it's even possible to depends on other Valuables, whose values are possibly changeable. When these Valuable values change, our Valuable is notified, and notify at its turn to be read again.

Lastly, the most useful method, getValue. Simple as its name, this method returns the current value of the Valuable (final or calculated). In addition, it's even possible to pass a ValuableContext to specify the context where the value is needed.

Available Extensions


Valuable({bool evaluateWithContext = false})
Valuable.byValuer(ValuableParentWatcher<Output> valuer, {bool evaluateWithContext = false})
Replace by Valuable.computed.
Valuable.computed(ValuableParentWatcher<Output> computation, {bool evaluateWithContext = false})
Factory Valuable.computed to build a Valuable that calculate its own value through a function.
Valuable.listenable(ValueListenable<Output> listenable)
Factory Valuable.listenable to build a Valuable that listen to a ValueListenable and provide its value
Valuable.value(Output value)
Factory Valuable.value to build a simple Valuable on a final value


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
isMounted bool
Returns if this object is still mounted
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
valuableContext ValuableContext?
no setterinherited
valueCache → _ValueCache


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
cleanWatched() → void
dispose() → void
Should be called to clean all links to other Valuables, and all the rest
equals(dynamic other) Valuable<bool>
Compare with a value that type is Output or another Valuable
getValue([ValuableContext? context = const ValuableContext()]) → Output
Get the current value of the Valuable
getValueDefinition(bool reevaluatingNeeded, [ValuableContext? context = const ValuableContext()]) → Output
This method should be redefined in ever sub-classes to determine how works the method getValue
historize() HistorizedValuable<Output>
Build an HistorizedValuable based on this Valuable
listenDispose(VoidCallback onDispose) → void
Allows to be notified when this Valuable is disposed
map<Other>(Other toElement(Output)) Valuable<Other>
A method to map a Valuable from Output to Other
markToReevaluate() → void
Mark the valuable to be reevaluated
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notEquals(dynamic other) Valuable<bool>
Compare with a value that type is Output or another Valuable
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
onValuableChange() → void
Called when a Valuable notify a change.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unwatch(Valuable valuable) → void
Remove listener on the valuable, that may change scope, or that about to be disposed Internal purpose
watch<T>(Valuable<T> valuable, {ValuableContext? valuableContext, ValuableWatcherSelector<T>? selector}) → T
Watch a valuable, that eventually change


operator <(dynamic other) Valuable<bool>
Compare with a value that type is Output or another Valuable
operator <=(dynamic other) Valuable<bool>
Compare with a value that type is Output or another Valuable
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator >(dynamic other) Valuable<bool>
Compare with a value that type is Output or another Valuable
operator >=(dynamic other) Valuable<bool>
Compare with a value that type is Output or another Valuable

Static Methods

listenableComputed<L extends Listenable, Output>(L listenable, Output computation(L listenable)) Valuable<Output>
Factory Valuable.listenableComputed to build a Valuable that listen to a Listenable and provide a value by computation