validated library


blacklist(String str, String chars) String
remove characters that appear in the blacklist.
contains(String string, String find) bool
Check if find is contained in string
escape(String str) String
replace <, >, &, ' and " with HTML entities
isAlpha(String input) bool
check if the string input contains only letters (a-zA-Z).
isAlphanumeric(String input) bool
check if the string input contains only letters and numbers
isAscii(String input) bool
check if the string contains ASCII chars only
isBase32(String input) bool
check if a string input is base32 encoded
isBase64(String input) bool
check if a string input is base64 encoded
isBoolean(dynamic input) bool
check if a string input represents boolean value like true , false , 0 , 1
isByteLength(String str, {dynamic min = 0, dynamic max}) bool
check if the string's length (in bytes) falls in a range.
isCapitalized(String input) bool
Check if string input is capitalized
isCreditCard(String input) bool
Check if string input is a credit card or not
isCurrency(String input, {dynamic symbol = '\$', dynamic require_symbol = false, dynamic allow_space_after_symbol = false, dynamic symbol_after_digits = false, dynamic allow_negatives = true, dynamic parens_for_negatives = false, dynamic negative_sign_before_digits = false, dynamic negative_sign_after_digits = false, dynamic allow_negative_sign_placeholder = false, dynamic thousands_separator = ',', dynamic decimal_separator = '.', dynamic allow_decimal = true, dynamic require_decimal = false, dynamic digits_after_decimal = const [2], dynamic allow_space_after_digits = false}) bool
Check if string input is a currency optional params symbol = "$" require_symbol = false allow_space_after_symbol = false symbol_after_digits = false allow_negatives = true parens_for_negatives = false negative_sign_before_digits = false negative_sign_after_digits = fasle allow_negative_sign_placeholder = false thousands_separator = ',' decimal_separator = '.' allow_decimal = true require_decimal = false digits_after_decimal = const 2 allow_space_after_digits = false
isDataURI(String input) bool
check if string input is a data uri
isDivisibleBy(String str, dynamic n) bool
check if the string str is a number that's divisible by another
isEmail(String input) bool
Check if string input is an email
isEmoji(String input) bool
Takes an input (an emoji) for validation
isFloat(String str) bool
check if the string str is a float
isFQDN(dynamic input, [dynamic options]) bool
check if the string input is a fully qualified domain name (e.g.
isFullWidth(String input) bool
check if the string contains any full-width chars
isHalfWidth(String input) bool
check if the string contains any half-width chars
isHash(String input, String algorithmName) bool
check if the string input is a hash available algoritms for string algorithmName param md5 md4 sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 tiger128 tiger160 tiger192 crc32 crc32b
isHexadecimal(String input) bool
check if the string input is a hexadecimal number
isHexColor(String input) bool
check if the string input is a hexadecimal color
isIP(String str, [dynamic version]) bool
check if the string str is IP version 4 or 6
isIPRange(String input) bool
check if the string str falls in an IP range
isISBN(String input, [dynamic version]) bool
check if the string input is an ISBN (version 10 or 13)
isISIN(String input) bool
check if the string input is an ISIN
isJSON(String input) bool
check if string input is json (stringyfied)
isJWT(String input) bool
check if string input is a JWT token
isLatLong(String input) bool
check if string input is a latlong
isLength(String input, int min, [int? max]) bool
check if the length of the string input falls in a range
isLowercase(String input) bool
check if string input is lowercased
isMACAddress(String input, {dynamic no_colons}) bool
Check if string input is a MAC Adress no_colons is an optional param
isMagnetURI(String input) bool
check if string input is a magnet URI
isMD5(String input) bool
check if string input is a md5 hash also use isHash for more algorithms
isMongoID(String input) bool
check if string input is a mongo ID
isMultibyte(String input) bool
check if the string contains one or more multibyte chars
isNull(String input) bool
check if the string input is null
isNumeric(String input, {bool no_symbols = false}) bool
check if the string input contains only numbers
isSameType(dynamic obj1, dynamic obj2) bool
Check if Object1 obj1 is same as Object2 obj2 it might return false in many cases
isUpperCase(String input) bool
check if string input is uppercased
isURL(String input, [Map? options]) bool
check if the string input is a URL
isUUID(String input, [String version = 'all']) bool
check if string input is an UUID (version 3, 4 or 5 version is an optional positioned param pass String value for version version expected values -> '3', '4', '5', 'all' by default 'all' is used
isVariableWidth(String input) bool
check if the string contains a mixture of full and half-width chars
isWhitelisted(String string, dynamic chars) bool
check if string string is whitelisted pass down chars @required
ltrim(String str, [String? chars]) String
trim characters from the left-side of the input
normalizeEmail(String email, [Map? options]) String
canonicalize an email address.
rtrim(String str, [String? chars]) String
trim characters from the right-side of the input
stripLow(String str, [bool keep_new_lines = false]) String
remove characters with a numerical value < 32 and 127.
toBoolean(String str, [bool strict = false]) bool
convert the input to a boolean.
toDate(String str) DateTime?
convert the input to a date, or null if the input is not a date
toDouble(String str) double
convert the input to a float, or NAN if the input is not a float
toFloat(String str) double
convert the input to a float, or NAN if the input is not a float
toInt(String str, {int radix = 10}) num
convert the input to an integer, or NAN if the input is not an integer
toString(dynamic input) String
convert the input to a string
trim(String str, [String? chars]) String
trim characters (whitespace by default) from both sides of the input
whitelist(String str, String chars) String
remove characters that do not appear in the whitelist.