v_chat_room_page library


A StatefulWidget that represents a page for displaying and managing video chat rooms. /// The VChatPage requires a VRoomController instance to manage and display rooms. The controller is passed in through the controller parameter. /// The onRoomItemPress parameter is an optional callback that is called when a room item is pressed. The callback provides a VRoom instance representing the room that was pressed. /// The showDisconnectedWidget parameter determines whether to show a widget when the user is disconnected from the server. If set to true (which is the default), a VDisconnectedWidget will be displayed. Otherwise, nothing will be displayed. /// The useIconForRoomItem parameter is an optional parameter that, if set to true, will cause the room list items to display an icon instead of a thumbnail image. /// The appBar and floatingActionButton parameters are optional, and allow customization of the app bar and action button displayed on the page
A stateful widget that displays a list of available rooms and allows the user to select one. /// /// The currentRoomId parameter is used to highlight the
labels available to translate
this class is the controller for the room page you should initialize it in the init method of the page and don't forget to dispose it in the dispose method of the page
A widget representing an individual virtual room item. /// This widget handles rendering the room information and can be configured to either show only an icon representation of the room or include additional information. /// /// Required fields:
room language


VRoomThemeExt on BuildContext


vDefaultRoomNavigator → VRoomNavigator


VChatImageBuilderWidget = Widget Function({required String chatTitle, required String imageUrl, required bool isOnline, required int size})