user_messaging_platform library
- ConsentDebugSettings
- Settings for debugging or testing.
- ConsentInformation
- Consent information.
- ConsentRequestParameters
- Parameters sent on updates to user consent info.
- UserMessagingPlatform
- A plugin which provides a Dart API for the User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK, which is the Consent Management Platform (CMP) SDK provided as part of Google's Funding Choices.
- ConsentStatus
- Consent status values.
- ConsentType
- Type of user consent.
- DebugGeography
- Debug values for testing geography.
- FormErrorCode
- Error codes used when loading and showing forms.
- FormStatus
- State values for whether the user has a consent form available to them. To check whether form status has changed, an update can be requested through UserMessagingPlatform.requestConsentInfoUpdate.
- RequestErrorCode
- Error codes used when making requests to update consent info.
- TrackingAuthorizationStatus
- The status values for app tracking authorization.
Exceptions / Errors
- FormException
- Exception which is thrown from UserMessagingPlatform.showConsentForm, when the form could not be shown.
- RequestException
- Exception which is thrown from UserMessagingPlatform.requestConsentInfoUpdate, when the request could not be completed.
- UserMessagingPlatformException
- Base exception for exceptions thrown by UserMessagingPlatform.