onRendererCreated property

CircularSeriesRendererCreatedCallback? onRendererCreated

Triggers when the series renderer is created.

Using this callback, able to get the ChartSeriesController instance, which is used to access the public methods in the series.

Defaults to null.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   ChartSeriesController _chartSeriesController;
   return Container(
       child: SfCircularChart(
           series: <CircularSeries<SalesData, num>>[
               PieSeries<SalesData, num>(
                   onRendererCreated: (ChartSeriesController controller) {
                      _chartSeriesController = controller;



///Using this callback, able to get the [ChartSeriesController] instance, which is used to access the public methods in the series.


///Defaults to `null`.
///Widget build(BuildContext context) {
///    ChartSeriesController _chartSeriesController;
///    return Container(
///        child: SfCircularChart(
///            series: <CircularSeries<SalesData, num>>[
///                PieSeries<SalesData, num>(
///                    onRendererCreated: (ChartSeriesController controller) {
///                       _chartSeriesController = controller;
///                    },
///                ),
///              ],
///        ));
final CircularSeriesRendererCreatedCallback? onRendererCreated;