ChartPoint<D> class

It is the data type for the circular chart and it has the properties is used to assign at the value declaration of the circular chart.

It provides the options for color, stroke color, fill color, radius, angle to customize the circular chart.


ChartPoint([dynamic x, num? y, String? radius, Color? pointColor, D? sortValue])
Creating an argument constructor of ChartPoint class.


center Offset?
Center position of chart point
getter/setter pair
color Color
Color of chart point
getter/setter pair
dataLabelPosition Position
Data label positin of chart point
getter/setter pair
dataLabelSize Size
Size of the Data label of chart point
getter/setter pair
degree num?
Degree of chart point
getter/setter pair
endAngle num?
End angle of chart point
getter/setter pair
fill Color
Fill color of the chart point
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
heightRatio num
Height Ratio of chart point
getter/setter pair
index int
Current point index.
getter/setter pair
innerRadius num?
Inner radius of chart point
getter/setter pair
isEmpty bool
to set the empty value of chart point
getter/setter pair
isExplode bool?
To set the explode value of chart point
getter/setter pair
isSelected bool
To set the selected or unselected of chart point
getter/setter pair
isShadow bool?
To set the shadow value of chart point
getter/setter pair
isTooltipRenderEvent bool
To execute onTooltipRender event or not.
getter/setter pair
isVisible bool
To set the visibility of chart point
getter/setter pair
labelRect Rect
Label rect of chart point.
getter/setter pair
labelRenderEvent bool
To execute OnDataLabelRender event or not.
getter/setter pair
midAngle num?
Middle angle of chart point
getter/setter pair
outerRadius num?
Outer radius of chart point
getter/setter pair
pointColor Color?
Color property of the chart point
getter/setter pair
radius String?
Radius of the chart point
getter/setter pair
renderPosition ChartDataLabelPosition?
Render position of chart point
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
saturationRegionOutside bool
Saturation region value of chart point
getter/setter pair
shader Shader?
Shader of chart point
no setter
sortValue ↔ D?
Sort value of chart point
getter/setter pair
startAngle num?
Start angle of chart point
getter/setter pair
strokeColor Color
Stroke color of chart point
getter/setter pair
strokeWidth num
Stroke width of chart point
getter/setter pair
text String?
Text value of chart point
getter/setter pair
x ↔ dynamic
X value of chart point
getter/setter pair
y num?
Y value of chart point
getter/setter pair
yRatio num
Y ratio of chart point
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.