boxPlotMode property
To change the box plot rendering mode.
The box plot series rendering mode can be changed by using BoxPlotMode property. The below values are applicable for this:
- The quartile values are calculated by splitting the list and by getting the median values.exclusive
- The quartile values are calculated by using the formula (N+1) * P (N count, P percentile), and their index value starts from 1 in the list.inclusive
- The quartile values are calculated by using the formula (N−1) * P (N count, P percentile), and their index value starts from 0 in the list.
Also refer BoxPlotMode.
Defaults to BoxPlotMode.normal
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: SfCartesianChart(
series: <BoxAndWhiskerSeries<SalesData, num>>[
BoxAndWhiskerSeries<SalesData, num>(
boxPlotMode: BoxPlotMode.normal
final BoxPlotMode boxPlotMode;