boxPlotMode property

BoxPlotMode boxPlotMode

To change the box plot rendering mode.

The box plot series rendering mode can be changed by using BoxPlotMode property. The below values are applicable for this:

  • normal - The quartile values are calculated by splitting the list and by getting the median values.
  • exclusive - The quartile values are calculated by using the formula (N+1) * P (N count, P percentile), and their index value starts from 1 in the list.
  • inclusive - The quartile values are calculated by using the formula (N−1) * P (N count, P percentile), and their index value starts from 0 in the list.

Also refer BoxPlotMode.

Defaults to BoxPlotMode.normal.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Container(
       child: SfCartesianChart(
           series: <BoxAndWhiskerSeries<SalesData, num>>[
               BoxAndWhiskerSeries<SalesData, num>(
                 boxPlotMode: BoxPlotMode.normal


final BoxPlotMode boxPlotMode;