parser library
This library provides parsing functions for html pages from, and the associated URI-producing functions.
This might be useful for using a CORS proxy, or if you have your own system/library for providing HTML.
- AudioFile
- Pronounciation audio.
- ExampleResultData
- All data making up one example sentence.
- ExampleResults
- The main wrapper containing data about the query and whether or not it was successful.
- ExampleSentencePiece
- A word in an example sentence, consisting of either just kana, or kanji with furigana.
- JishoAPIResult
- The main API result wrapper containing whether it was successful, and potential results.
- JishoAttribution
- The original source(s) of the result.
- JishoJapaneseWord
- Kanji/Furigana pair, or just kana as word.
- JishoResult
- The main API data class, collecting all information of one result in one place.
- JishoResultMeta
- Metadata with result status.
- JishoSenseLink
- Relevant links of the search result.
- JishoWordSense
- One sense of the word.
- JishoWordSource
- Origin of the word (from other languages).
- KanjiKanaPair
- A pair of kanji and potential furigana.
- KanjiResult
- The main wrapper containing data about the query and whether or not it was successful.
- KanjiResultData
- The main kanji data class, collecting all the result information in one place.
- PhrasePageScrapeResult
- The main wrapper containing data about the query and whether or not it was successful.
- PhrasePageScrapeResultData
- The main scrape data class, collecting all the result information in one place.
- PhraseScrapeMeaning
- The data representing one "meaning" or "sense" of the word
- PhraseScrapeSentence
- An example sentence.
- Radical
- Information regarding the radical of a kanji.
- YomiExample
- An example of a word that contains the kanji in question.
String pageHtml, String phrase) → ExampleResults - Parses a jisho example sentence search page to an object
String pageHtml, String kanji) → KanjiResult - Parses a jisho kanji search page to an object
String pageHtml, String query) → PhrasePageScrapeResult - Parses a jisho word search page to an object
String phrase) → Uri - Provides the URI for an example search
String kanji) → Uri - Provides the URI for a kanji search
String searchTerm) → Uri - Provides the URI for a phrase scrape
String phrase) → Uri - Provides the URI for a phrase search