cards library

Defines the schema for the cards.

NOTE: It's recommended to import this library with a prefix, e.g.:

// It's recommended to import the library with a prefix.
import 'package:unlimited/cards.dart' as cards;
import 'package:unlimited/schema.dart';

void main() {
  final vader = cards.sparkOfRebellion.find(10);

  // Pattern match to get the card's type.
  switch (vader) {
    case final BaseCard card:
      print('Base:  ${}: ${card.location}');
    case final UnitCard card:
      print('Unit:    ${}: ${card.title ?? '<No title>'}');
    case final EventCard card:
      print('Event: ${}');
    case final UpgradeCard card:
      print('Upgrade: ${}');


A collection of cards that belongs to a specific CardSet.


sparkOfRebellion CardSetInventory
The Spark of Rebellion card set, as previewed so far by September 1, 2023.