component/popup library


弹出带 确定 和 取消 的按钮 点击 确定 或 取消 自动关闭 Pop up the button with OK and cancel click OK or cancel to automatically close
带取消的 弹窗 单列选择
弹出带确定的按钮 点击确定自动关闭 Pop up the button with "OK" and click "OK" to automatically close
只弹出提示 没有按钮 不能关闭 Only pop-up prompt, no button, can not be closed


alertOnlyMessage(String? text, {bool autoOff = true}) ExtendedOverlayEntry?
showAlertConfirmCancel({String? text, String? confirmText, String? cancelText, String? titleText, GestureTapCallback? confirmTap, GestureTapCallback? cancelTap, bool autoClose = true, Widget? title, Widget? contentText, Widget? content, Widget? cancel, Widget? confirm, DialogOptions? dialogOptions}) Future?
弹出带 确定 和 取消 的按钮 点击 确定 或 取消 自动关闭 Pop up the button with OK and cancel click OK or cancel to automatically close
showAlertCountSelect({required List<String> list, int? defaultIndex, BottomSheetOptions? bottomSheetOptions}) Future<int?>?
带取消的 弹窗 单列选择
showAlertMessage({String? text, String? confirmText, String? titleText, GestureTapCallback? confirmTap, Widget? contentText, Widget? content, Widget? title, Widget? confirm, DialogOptions? dialogOptions}) Future?
弹出消息 提示 仅 带确认按钮 A message is displayed with a confirm button only
showBasicBottomSheet<T>(Widget widget, {bool isScrollControlled = false, BottomSheetOptions? options}) Future<T?>
showBottomPopup 移除背景色 关闭滑动手势
showDoubleChooseAlert({required String title, required String left, required String right, GestureTapCallback? rightTap, GestureTapCallback? leftTap, Widget? center, ModalWindowsOptions? options, DialogOptions? dialogOptions}) Future<bool?>