initialize static method

Future<void> initialize({
  1. required String gameId,
  2. Function? onComplete,
  3. dynamic onFailed(
    1. InitializationError error,
    2. String errorMessage

Initializes the Unity Mediation. It is mandatory to call this method before any InterstitialAd and RewardedAd can load.

  • gameId - The game ID listed in publisher dashboard.
  • onComplete - called when initialization has completed successfully.
  • onFailed - called when initialization has failed.


static Future<void> initialize({
  required String gameId,
  Function? onComplete,
  Function(InitializationError error, String errorMessage)? onFailed,
}) async {
  Map<String, dynamic> arguments = {
    gameIdParameter: gameId,
      (call) => _initMethodCall(call, onComplete, onFailed));
  await _channel.invokeMethod(initMethod, arguments);