decToBase function

String decToBase(
  1. String stringDec,
  2. int base

Convert stringDec, the String representation of a decimal value (e.g. "10"), to another base depending of the value of base (E.g. 16 for hexadecimal, 2 for binary, etc.).


String decToBase(String stringDec, int base) {
  var regExp = getBaseRegExp(10);
  if (!regExp.hasMatch(stringDec)) return '';

  var myString = '';
  String restoString;
  int resto;
  var dec = int.parse(stringDec);
  while (dec > 0) {
    resto = (dec % base);
    restoString = resto.toString();
    if (resto >= 10) {
      restoString = String.fromCharCode(resto + 55);
    myString = restoString + myString; //aggiungo in testa
    dec = dec ~/ base;
  return myString;