baseToDec function

String baseToDec(
  1. String toBeConverted,
  2. int base

Convert toBeConverted, the String representation of a value with a certain base (E.g. 16 for hexadecimal, 2 for binary, etc.), to another String expressed with the decimal base.


String baseToDec(String toBeConverted, int base) {
  toBeConverted = toBeConverted.toUpperCase();

  var regExp = getBaseRegExp(base);

  if (!regExp.hasMatch(toBeConverted)) return '';

  int conversion = 0;
  int len = toBeConverted.length;
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    int unitCode = toBeConverted.codeUnitAt(i);
    if (unitCode >= 65 && unitCode <= 70) {
      // from A to F
      conversion =
          conversion + (unitCode - 55) * pow(base, len - i - 1).toInt();
    } else if (unitCode >= 48 && unitCode <= 57) {
      // from 0 to 9
      conversion =
          conversion + (unitCode - 48) * pow(base, len - i - 1).toInt();
  return conversion.toString();