utils/utils library


baseToDec(String toBeConverted, int base) String
Convert toBeConverted, the String representation of a value with a certain base (E.g. 16 for hexadecimal, 2 for binary, etc.), to another String expressed with the decimal base.
decToBase(String stringDec, int base) String
Convert stringDec, the String representation of a decimal value (e.g. "10"), to another base depending of the value of base (E.g. 16 for hexadecimal, 2 for binary, etc.).
getBaseRegExp(int base) RegExp
Returns a regular expression that could match a certain String expressed with a certain base.
valueToString(double value, int significantFigures, bool removeTrailingZeros, bool useScientificNotation) String
Given a double value it returns its rapresentation as a string with few tweaks: significantFigures is the number of significant figures to keep, removeTrailingZeros say if non important zeros should be removed. E.g. 1.000000 --> 1