analyze static method
The type of GC root which is holding a reference to the specified object. Possible values include: * class table * local handle * persistent handle * stack * user global * weak persistent handle * unknown
run on subIsolate
static Future<LeakedInfo?> analyze(RawLeakNode node) async {
_analyzer ??= LeakAnalyzer();
final leakedInstance = node.leakedInstance;
final maxRetainingPath = node.maxRetainingPath;
if (leakedInstance?.id != null) {
final retainingPath = await _analyzer!
._getRetainingPath(leakedInstance!.id!, maxRetainingPath);
if (retainingPath?.elements != null &&
retainingPath!.elements!.isNotEmpty) {
final retainingObjectList = retainingPath.elements!;
final stream = Stream.fromIterable(retainingObjectList)
List<RetainingNode> retainingPathList = [];
for (var element in (await stream.toList())) {
if (element != null) {
return LeakedInfo(retainingPathList, retainingPath.gcRootType);
return null;