WidgetType enum
- UikNotificationContainer → const WidgetType
- UikStack → const WidgetType
- UikListView → const WidgetType
- UikFilterContainer → const WidgetType
- UikJobBox → const WidgetType
- UikJob → const WidgetType
- UikContainer → const WidgetType
- UikScrollCarousel → const WidgetType
- UikExpandedText → const WidgetType
- UikDropDown → const WidgetType
- UikCircularClickButton → const WidgetType
- UikAccordionNew → const WidgetType
- UikText → const WidgetType
- UikImage → const WidgetType
- UikButton → const WidgetType
- UikRating → const WidgetType
- UikEarningCard → const WidgetType
- UikTextArea → const WidgetType
- UikStackedImage → const WidgetType
- UikStackImageIcon → const WidgetType
- UikSearch → const WidgetType
- UikStackedImageProps → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardOneProps → const WidgetType
- UikThreeColumnProduct → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardFiveProps → const WidgetType
- UikTextProps → const WidgetType
- UikProductCardGridProps → const WidgetType
- UikContainerText → const WidgetType
- UikContainerTextProps → const WidgetType
- UikProductCardGrid → const WidgetType
- UikUploadPhoto → const WidgetType
- UikThreeComponentRow → const WidgetType
- UikListTile → const WidgetType
- UikAnimatedImage → const WidgetType
- UikMembership → const WidgetType
- UikPopover → const WidgetType
- UikChips → const WidgetType
- UikSwitch → const WidgetType
- UikCell → const WidgetType
- UikDivider → const WidgetType
- UikIcon → const WidgetType
- UikPagination → const WidgetType
- UikListTiles → const WidgetType
- UikPageControl → const WidgetType
- UikAvatar → const WidgetType
- UikRadioButton → const WidgetType
- UikSlidder → const WidgetType
- UikListItems → const WidgetType
- UikGroupAvatar → const WidgetType
- UikListTileContainer → const WidgetType
- UikTab → const WidgetType
- UikTabBar → const WidgetType
- UikSelect → const WidgetType
- UikToolTip → const WidgetType
- UikProduct → const WidgetType
- UikDiscount → const WidgetType
- UikScrollProducts → const WidgetType
- UikTop100 → const WidgetType
- UikOtp → const WidgetType
- UikStepper → const WidgetType
- UikBagItem → const WidgetType
- UikTextField → const WidgetType
- UikProductCard → const WidgetType
- UikProductPagePagination → const WidgetType
- UikCartTextHorizontal → const WidgetType
- UikVideoPlayer → const WidgetType
- UikProductScreenTagsRow → const WidgetType
- UikProductPageContainer → const WidgetType
- UikProductPageInformationContainer → const WidgetType
- UikProductCardBig → const WidgetType
- UikTags → const WidgetType
- UikSortFilter → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardOne → const WidgetType
- UikAppBar → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardTwo → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardThree → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardEleven → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardTwelve → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardFour → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardFive → const WidgetType
- UikOrderAgainProduct → const WidgetType
- UikScrollOrderAgainProduct → const WidgetType
- UikFilterRowThreeComponent → const WidgetType
- UikThreeDivider → const WidgetType
- UikJarItem → const WidgetType
- UikMyOrder → const WidgetType
- UikShortAndFilter → const WidgetType
- UikTotal → const WidgetType
- UikHeadline → const WidgetType
- UikFilterOption → const WidgetType
- UikTextRadioButton → const WidgetType
- UikProductInformationComp → const WidgetType
- UikTwoComponentRow → const WidgetType
- UikProductInformation → const WidgetType
- UikActionSheet → const WidgetType
- UikNoInternet → const WidgetType
- UikTopBar → const WidgetType
- UikScreenTitleSubtitle → const WidgetType
- UiklistViewBuilder → const WidgetType
- UikCenterRow → const WidgetType
- UikSpacer → const WidgetType
- UikSelectFiles → const WidgetType
- UikNewReviewPage → const WidgetType
- UikNewRatingPage → const WidgetType
- UikStackImageIconPage → const WidgetType
- UikReviewPage → const WidgetType
- UikSortPage → const WidgetType
- UikIconText → const WidgetType
- UikProfile → const WidgetType
- UikTextIconButton → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardSeven → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardTen → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardEight → const WidgetType
- UikHomeCardNine → const WidgetType
- UikRowText → const WidgetType
- UikTextChip → const WidgetType
- UikTextChipList → const WidgetType
- UikProductImageTitlePriceCard → const WidgetType
- UikMultiButtonRow → const WidgetType
- UikRadioButtonList → const WidgetType
- UikColumn → const WidgetType
- UikRow → const WidgetType
- UikAccordion → const WidgetType
- UikTextDivider → const WidgetType
- UikRowListItem → const WidgetType
- UikThreeColumnTile → const WidgetType
- UikThreeColumnTileList → const WidgetType
- UikCard → const WidgetType
- UikImageOverlay → const WidgetType
- UikGWListTile → const WidgetType
- UikButtonBar → const WidgetType
- UikThreeTextColumn → const WidgetType
- UikMyAgentReward → const WidgetType
- UikMyCustomer → const WidgetType
- UikMyCustomerDetails → const WidgetType
- UikListItemCustomer → const WidgetType
- UikHtmlRenderer → const WidgetType
- UikVideoPlayerNew → const WidgetType
- UikLottieView → const WidgetType
- UikLokalAcademyCard → const WidgetType
- UikMyOrderCard → const WidgetType
- UikMyAgent → const WidgetType
- UikSimpleColumn → const WidgetType
- UikSimpleRow → const WidgetType
- UikOrderProductCard → const WidgetType
- UikShowBottomSheet → const WidgetType
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
→ const List<
WidgetType> - A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.