WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension



bufferData → ({void Function(num target, num size, num usage) $1, void Function(num target, num usage, [Object? srcData]) $2, void Function(num target, ArrayBufferView srcData, num usage, num srcOffset, [num? length]) $3})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
bufferSubData → ({void Function(num target, num dstByteOffset, Object srcData) $1, void Function(num target, num dstByteOffset, ArrayBufferView srcData, num srcOffset, [num? length]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
compressedTexImage2D → ({void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num width, num height, num border, num imageSize, num offset) $1, void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num width, num height, num border, ArrayBufferView srcData, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLengthOverride]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
compressedTexSubImage2D → ({void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num width, num height, num format, num imageSize, num offset) $1, void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num width, num height, num format, ArrayBufferView srcData, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLengthOverride]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
readPixels → ({void Function(num x, num y, num width, num height, num format, num type, [ArrayBufferView? dstData]) $1, void Function(num x, num y, num width, num height, num format, num type, num offset) $2, void Function(num x, num y, num width, num height, num format, num type, ArrayBufferView dstData, num dstOffset) $3})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
texImage2D → ({void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num format, num type, Object source) $1, void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num width, num height, num border, num format, num type, [ArrayBufferView? pixels]) $2, void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num width, num height, num border, num format, num type, num pboOffset) $3, void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num width, num height, num border, num format, num type, Object source) $4, void Function(num target, num level, num internalformat, num width, num height, num border, num format, num type, ArrayBufferView srcData, num srcOffset) $5})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5
no setter
texSubImage2D → ({void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num format, num type, Object source) $1, void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num width, num height, num format, num type, [ArrayBufferView? pixels]) $2, void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num width, num height, num format, num type, num pboOffset) $3, void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num width, num height, num format, num type, Object source) $4, void Function(num target, num level, num xoffset, num yoffset, num width, num height, num format, num type, ArrayBufferView srcData, num srcOffset) $5})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5
no setter
uniform1fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform1iv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform2fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform2iv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform3fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform3iv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform4fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniform4iv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniformMatrix2fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, bool transpose, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, bool transpose, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniformMatrix3fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, bool transpose, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, bool transpose, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
uniformMatrix4fv → ({void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, bool transpose, Object data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $1, void Function(WebGLUniformLocation? location, bool transpose, Iterable<num> data, [num? srcOffset, num? srcLength]) $2})

Available on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, provided by the WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter