Cache$Typings extension



add Future<void> Function(Object)

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
addAll → ({Future<void> Function(List<Object> requests) $1, Future<void> Function(Iterable<Object> requests) $2})

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
delete Future<bool> Function(Object, [CacheQueryOptions?])

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
keys Future<ReadonlyArray<Request>> Function([Object?, CacheQueryOptions?])

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
match Future<Response?> Function(Object, [CacheQueryOptions?])

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
matchAll Future<ReadonlyArray<Response>> Function([Object?, CacheQueryOptions?])

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
put Future<void> Function(Object, Response)

Available on Cache, provided by the Cache$Typings extension

getter/setter pair