MarkdownString$Typings extension



baseUri Uri
Uri that relative paths are resolved relative to.
getter/setter pair
isTrusted Object
Indicates that this markdown string is from a trusted source. Only trusted markdown supports links that execute commands, e.g. [Run it](command:myCommandId).
getter/setter pair
supportHtml bool
Indicates that this markdown string can contain raw html tags. Defaults to false.
getter/setter pair
supportThemeIcons bool
Indicates that this markdown string can contain {@link ThemeIcon ThemeIcons}, e.g. $(zap).
getter/setter pair
value String
The markdown string.
getter/setter pair


appendCodeblock(String value, [String? language]) MarkdownString
Appends the given string as codeblock using the provided language. @param value A code snippet. @param language An optional {@link languages.getLanguages language identifier}.
appendMarkdown(String value) MarkdownString
Appends the given string 'as is' to this markdown string. When {@linkcode MarkdownString.supportThemeIcons supportThemeIcons} is true, {@link ThemeIcon ThemeIcons} in the value will be iconified. @param value Markdown string.
appendText(String value) MarkdownString
Appends and escapes the given string to this markdown string. @param value Plain text.