ExtensionContext$Typings extension



asAbsolutePath String Function(String)
getter/setter pair
environmentVariableCollection GlobalEnvironmentVariableCollection
Gets the extension's global environment variable collection for this workspace, enabling changes to be applied to terminal environment variables.
no setter
extension Extension
The current Extension instance.
no setter
extensionMode ExtensionMode
The mode the extension is running in. See {@link ExtensionMode} for possible values and scenarios.
no setter
extensionPath String
The absolute file path of the directory containing the extension. Shorthand notation for {@link TextDocument.uriExtensionContext.extensionUri.fsPath} (independent of the uri scheme).
no setter
extensionUri Uri
The uri of the directory containing the extension.
no setter
globalState → _Intersection61
A memento object that stores state independent of the current opened {@link workspace.workspaceFoldersworkspace}.
no setter
globalStoragePath String
An absolute file path in which the extension can store global state. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.
no setter
globalStorageUri Uri
The uri of a directory in which the extension can store global state. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.
no setter
logPath String
An absolute file path of a directory in which the extension can create log files. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.
no setter
logUri Uri
The uri of a directory in which the extension can create log files. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.
no setter
secrets SecretStorage
A storage utility for secrets. Secrets are persisted across reloads and are independent of the current opened {@link workspace.workspaceFoldersworkspace}.
no setter
storagePath String?
An absolute file path of a workspace specific directory in which the extension can store private state. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.
no setter
storageUri Uri?
The uri of a workspace specific directory in which the extension can store private state. The directory might not exist and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent. The value is undefined when no workspace nor folder has been opened.
no setter
subscriptions List
An array to which disposables can be added. When this extension is deactivated the disposables will be disposed.
no setter
workspaceState Memento
A memento object that stores state in the context of the currently opened {@link workspace.workspaceFoldersworkspace}.
no setter