Extension$Typings<T> extension



activate Future Function()
getter/setter pair
exports → T
The public API exported by this extension (return value of activate). It is an invalid action to access this field before this extension has been activated.
no setter
extensionKind ExtensionKind
The extension kind describes if an extension runs where the UI runs or if an extension runs where the remote extension host runs. The extension kind is defined in the package.json-file of extensions but can also be refined via the remote.extensionKind-setting. When no remote extension host exists, the value is {@linkcode ExtensionKind.UI}.
getter/setter pair
extensionPath String
The absolute file path of the directory containing this extension. Shorthand notation for {@link Extension.extensionUriExtension.extensionUri.fsPath} (independent of the uri scheme).
no setter
extensionUri Uri
The uri of the directory containing the extension.
no setter
id String
The canonical extension identifier in the form of: publisher.name.
no setter
isActive bool
true if the extension has been activated.
no setter
packageJSON → dynamic
The parsed contents of the extension's package.json.
no setter