EnvironmentVariableCollection$Typings extension



append ↔ void Function(String, String, [EnvironmentVariableMutatorOptions?])
getter/setter pair
clear ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
delete ↔ void Function(String)
getter/setter pair
description ↔ dynamic
A description for the environment variable collection, this will be used to describe the changes in the UI.
getter/setter pair
forEach ↔ void Function(dynamic (String, EnvironmentVariableMutator, EnvironmentVariableCollection), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
get EnvironmentVariableMutator? Function(String)
getter/setter pair
persistent bool
Whether the collection should be cached for the workspace and applied to the terminal across window reloads. When true the collection will be active immediately such when the window reloads. Additionally, this API will return the cached version if it exists. The collection will be invalidated when the extension is uninstalled or when the collection is cleared. Defaults to true.
getter/setter pair
prepend ↔ void Function(String, String, [EnvironmentVariableMutatorOptions?])
getter/setter pair
replace ↔ void Function(String, String, [EnvironmentVariableMutatorOptions?])
getter/setter pair