DiagnosticCollection$Typings extension



clear ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
delete ↔ void Function(Uri)
getter/setter pair
dispose ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
forEach ↔ void Function(dynamic (Uri, List<Diagnostic>, DiagnosticCollection), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
get List<Diagnostic>? Function(Uri)
getter/setter pair
has bool Function(Uri)
getter/setter pair
name String
The name of this diagnostic collection, for instance typescript. Every diagnostic from this collection will be associated with this name. Also, the task framework uses this name when defining problem matchers.
no setter
set → ({void Function(ReadonlyArray<(Uri, List<Diagnostic>?)> entries) $1, void Function(Uri uri, [List<Diagnostic>? diagnostics]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter