Options class

Available Extensions
  • @JS()
  • @staticInterop
  • @anonymous


Options({String? placeholder, Object? optionalmarker, Object? quantifiermarker, Object? groupmarker, String? alternatormarker, String? escapeChar, dynamic mask, String? regex, void oncomplete()?, void onincomplete()?, void oncleared()?, dynamic repeat, bool? greedy, bool? autoUnmask, bool? removeMaskOnSubmit, bool? clearMaskOnLostFocus, bool? insertMode, bool? insertModeVisual, bool? clearIncomplete, String? alias, void onKeyDown(KeyboardEvent, List<String>, dynamic, Options)?, String onBeforeMask(String, Options)?, String onBeforePaste(String, Options)?, CommandObject onBeforeWrite(KeyboardEvent, List<String>, num, Options)?, String onUnMask(String, String)?, bool? showMaskOnFocus, bool? showMaskOnHover, void onKeyValidation(num, bool)?, String? skipOptionalPartCharacter, bool? numericInput, bool? rightAlign, bool? undoOnEscape, String? radixPoint, String? groupSeparator, bool? keepStatic, bool? positionCaretOnTab, bool? tabThrough, List<String>? supportsInputType, List<num>? ignorables, bool isComplete(List<String>, Options)?, Object postValidation(List<String>, num, String, bool, Options, bool, bool, [dynamic])?, Object preValidation(List<String>, num, String, bool, Options, dynamic, bool, [dynamic])?, String? staticDefinitionSymbol, bool? jitMasking, bool? nullable, bool? noValuePatching, PositionCaretOnClick? positionCaretOnClick, Casing? casing, InputMode? inputmode, bool? importDataAttributes, bool? shiftPositions, bool? usePrototypeDefinitions, dynamic min, dynamic max, dynamic digits, bool? digitsOptional, bool? enforceDigitsOnBlur, bool? allowMinus, IInline3? negationSymbol, String? prefix, String? suffix, bool? setMaxOnOverflow, num? step, bool? unmaskAsNumber, InputType? inputType, num roundingFN(num)?, Object? shortcuts, String? inputFormat, String? outputFormat, String? displayFormat, Object? definitions, bool? prefillYear})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.