Point$Typings extension



x num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Gets or sets the x value of the Point.
getter/setter pair
y num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Gets or sets the y value of the Point.
getter/setter pair


add(Point p) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point so that is the sum of the current Point and the x and y co-ordinates of the given Point. @param {Point} p The Point to add to this Point. @return {Point} this. @see #offset @see #subtract
compareWithLineSegmentPoint(Point p, Point q) num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Compare this point with a finite line segment given by two Points.
copy() Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Create a copy of this Point, with the same values. @expose @return {Point}
direction(num px, num py) num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Compute the angle from this Point to a given (px,py) point. However, if the point is the same as this Point, the direction is zero. @param {number} px @param {number} py @return {number} the angle, in degrees, of the line from this Point to the given point. @see #directionPoint
directionPoint(Point p) num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Compute the angle from this Point to a given Point. However, if the given Point is the same as this Point, the direction is zero. @param {Point} p the other Point to which to measure the relative angle. @return {number} the angle, in degrees, of the line from this Point to the given point. @see #direction
distanceSquared(num px, num py) num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Returns the square of the distance from this point to a given point (px, py). @param {number} px @param {number} py @return {number} the square of the euclidean distance. @see #distanceSquaredPoint
distanceSquaredPoint(Point p) num

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Returns the square of the distance from this Point to a given Point. @param {Point} p the other Point to measure to. @return {number} the square of the euclidean distance. @see #distanceSquared
equals(Point p) bool

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Indicates whether the given Point is equal to this Point. @param {Point} p The Point to compare to the current Point. @return {boolean} True if the two Points have identical X and Y values, false otherwise. @see #equalTo
equalsApprox(Point p) bool

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

(undocumented) True when the given Point is nearly equal to this Point. @param {Point} p The Point to compare to the current Point. @return {boolean} True if the two Points have X and Y values that are equal with a tolerance of 0.5, false otherwise.
equalTo(num x, num y) bool

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Indicates whether the given point (x, y) is equal to this Point. @param {number} x @param {number} y @return {boolean} True if the two Points have identical X and Y values, false otherwise. @see #equals
isReal() bool

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

True if this Point has X and Y values that are real numbers and not infinity. @return {boolean}
normalize() Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point so that its X and Y values have been normalized to a unit length. However, if this Point is the origin (zero, zero), its length remains zero. @return {Point} this.
offset(num dx, num dy) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point by shifting its values with the given DX and DY offsets. @param {number} dx @param {number} dy @return {Point} this. @see #add @see #subtract
projectOntoLineSegment(num px, num py, num qx, num qy) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point to be the closest point to this point that is on a finite line segment. @param {number} px one end of the finite line segment @param {number} py one end of the finite line segment @param {number} qx the other end of the finite line segment @param {number} qy the other end of the finite line segment @return {Point} this modified Point @since 1.3
projectOntoLineSegmentPoint(Point p, Point q) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point to be the closest point to this point that is on a finite line segment. @param {Point} p one end of the finite line segment @param {Point} q the other end of the finite line segment @return {Point} this modified Point @since 1.3
rotate(num angle) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point so that has been rotated about the origin by the given angle. @param {number} angle an angle in degrees. @return {Point} this.
scale(num sx, num sy) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point so that its X and Y values have been scaled by given factors along the X and Y axes. @param {number} sx @param {number} sy @return {Point} this.
set(Point p) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point so that its X and Y values are the same as the given Point. @param {Point} p the given Point. @return {Point} this.
setRectSpot(Rect r, Spot spot) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point so that its X and Y values correspond to a particular Spot in a given Rect.
setSpot(num x, num y, num w, num h, Spot spot) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point so that its X and Y values correspond to a particular Spot in a given rectangle.
setTo(num x, num y) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this Point with new X and Y values. @param {number} x @param {number} y @return {Point} this.
snapToGrid(num originx, num originy, num cellwidth, num cellheight) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point to be at the nearest point on an infinite grid, given the grid's origin and size of each grid cell. @param {number} originx the top-left point of one of the grid cells @param {number} originy the top-left point of one of the grid cells @param {number} cellwidth the size of each grid cell -- must be a real number larger than zero @param {number} cellheight the size of each grid cell -- must be a real number larger than zero @return {Point} this modified Point @since 1.3
snapToGridPoint(Point origin, Size cellsize) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point to be at the nearest point on an infinite grid, given the grid's origin and size of each grid cell. @param {Point} origin the top-left point of one of the grid cells @param {Size} cellsize the size of each grid cell @return {Point} this modified Point @since 1.3
subtract(Point p) Point

Available on Point, provided by the Point$Typings extension

Modify this point so that is the difference of this Point and the x and y co-ordinates of the given Point. @param {Point} p The Point to subtract from the current Point. @return {Point} this. @see #offset @see #add