PanningTool$Typings extension



bubbles bool
Gets or sets whether panning actions will allow events to bubble instead of panning in the diagram.
getter/setter pair
originalPosition Point
This read-only property returns the Point that was the original value of Diagram#position when the panning operation started.
getter/setter pair


canStart() bool
This tool can run when the diagram allows scrolling and the mouse has been dragged with the left button far enough away from the mouse-down point to avoid being a click.
doActivate() → void
Capture the mouse, change the diagram cursor to "move", and remember the Diagram#position.
doCancel() → void
Restore the Diagram#position to what it was when this tool activated.
doDeactivate() → void
Release the mouse and restore the default diagram cursor.
doMouseMove() → void
Modify the Diagram#position according to how much the mouse has moved.
doMouseUp() → void
Modify the Diagram#position according to how much the mouse has moved.