HTMLInfo$Typings extension



hide ↔ void Function(Diagram, Tool)?

Available on HTMLInfo, provided by the HTMLInfo$Typings extension

Gets or sets the function to call when an HTMLInfo is to be hidden. The function should "hide" the HTMLInfo, either by removing any traces of it or otherwise returning the page state to one where the HTMLInfo content is no longer considered active.
getter/setter pair
mainElement HTMLElement?

Available on HTMLInfo, provided by the HTMLInfo$Typings extension

Gets or sets the primary HTML Element that represents this HTMLInfo. In a context menu, this would be the outermost HTML element, the one which typically shows and hides. If this is set and #hide is not, HTMLInfo will automatically execute:
getter/setter pair
show ↔ void Function(GraphObject, Diagram, Tool)?

Available on HTMLInfo, provided by the HTMLInfo$Typings extension

Gets or sets the function to call when an HTMLInfo is to be shown, such as when used as the GraphObject#contextMenu or Diagram#toolTip or TextBlock#textEditor.
getter/setter pair
valueFunction ↔ dynamic Function()?

Available on HTMLInfo, provided by the HTMLInfo$Typings extension

Gets or sets a function that returns the primary value associated with this HTMLInfo, such as the string value of a text editor, which would be solicited by the TextEditingTool.
getter/setter pair