TextTrack$Typings extension



activeCues TextTrackCueList?
Returns the text track cues from the text track list of cues that are currently active (i.e. that start before the current playback position and end after it), as a TextTrackCueList object.
no setter
addCue ↔ void Function(TextTrackCue)
getter/setter pair
addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(TextTrackEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
cues TextTrackCueList?
Returns the text track list of cues, as a TextTrackCueList object.
no setter
id String
Returns the ID of the given track.
no setter
inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType String
Returns the text track in-band metadata track dispatch type string.
no setter
kind TextTrackKind
Returns the text track kind string.
no setter
label String
Returns the text track label, if there is one, or the empty string otherwise (indicating that a custom label probably needs to be generated from the other attributes of the object if the object is exposed to the user).
no setter
language String
Returns the text track language string.
no setter
mode TextTrackMode
Returns the text track mode, represented by a string from the following list:
getter/setter pair
oncuechange ↔ (dynamic Function(Event)?)
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
removeCue ↔ void Function(TextTrackCue)
getter/setter pair
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(TextTrackEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter