StylePropertyMapReadOnly$Typings extension
↔ void Function(void (List<
CSSStyleValue> , String, StylePropertyMapReadOnly), [dynamic]) -
Available on StylePropertyMapReadOnly, provided by the StylePropertyMapReadOnly$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - get ↔ CSSStyleValue? Function(String)
Available on StylePropertyMapReadOnly, provided by the StylePropertyMapReadOnly$Typings extension
getter/setter pair -
↔ List<
CSSStyleValue> Function(String) -
Available on StylePropertyMapReadOnly, provided by the StylePropertyMapReadOnly$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - has ↔ bool Function(String)
Available on StylePropertyMapReadOnly, provided by the StylePropertyMapReadOnly$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - size → num
Available on StylePropertyMapReadOnly, provided by the StylePropertyMapReadOnly$Typings extension
MDN Referenceno setter