SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
→ ({void Function<
K$>(SVGSVGElementEventMap< $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) -
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
Overload accessor: $1, $2no setter - animationsPaused ↔ bool Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - checkEnclosure ↔ bool Function(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - checkIntersection ↔ bool Function(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGAngle ↔ SVGAngle Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGLength ↔ SVGLength Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGMatrix ↔ DOMMatrix Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGNumber ↔ SVGNumber Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGPoint ↔ DOMPoint Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGRect ↔ DOMRect Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGTransform ↔ SVGTransform Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - createSVGTransformFromMatrix ↔ SVGTransform Function([DOMMatrix2DInit?])
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - currentScale ↔ num
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - currentTranslate → DOMPointReadOnly
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
no setter - deselectAll ↔ void Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - forceRedraw ↔ void Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - getCurrentTime ↔ num Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - getElementById ↔ Element Function(String)
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair -
↔ NodeListOf<
SVGGraphicsElement> Function(DOMRectReadOnly, [SVGElement?]) -
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair -
↔ NodeListOf<
SVGGraphicsElement> Function(DOMRectReadOnly, [SVGElement?]) -
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - height → SVGAnimatedLength
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
no setter - pauseAnimations ↔ void Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair -
→ ({void Function<
K$>(SVGSVGElementEventMap< $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) -
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
Overload accessor: $1, $2no setter - setCurrentTime ↔ void Function(num)
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - suspendRedraw ↔ num Function(num)
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - unpauseAnimations ↔ void Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - unsuspendRedraw ↔ void Function(num)
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - unsuspendRedrawAll ↔ void Function()
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
getter/setter pair - width → SVGAnimatedLength
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
no setter - x → SVGAnimatedLength
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
no setter - y → SVGAnimatedLength
Available on SVGSVGElement, provided by the SVGSVGElement$Typings extension
no setter