ReadonlyArray$Typings<T> extension



at ↔ T? Function(num)
getter/setter pair
entries IterableIterator<(num, T)> Function()
getter/setter pair
every → ({dynamic Function<S extends T>(dynamic predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $1, bool Function(Object? predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
filter → ({List<S> Function<S extends T>(dynamic predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $1, List<T> Function(Object? predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
find → ({S? Function<S extends T>(dynamic predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $1, T? Function(Object? predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
findIndex num Function(Object? (T, num, List<T>), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
findLast → ({S? Function<S extends T>(dynamic predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $1, T? Function(Object? predicate(T, num, List<T>), [dynamic thisArg]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
findLastIndex num Function(Object? (T, num, List<T>), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
flat List Function<A, D extends num>([D?])
getter/setter pair
flatMap List<U> Function<U, This>(Object (T, num, List<T>), [This?])
getter/setter pair
forEach ↔ void Function(void (T, num, List<T>), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
includes bool Function(T, [num?])
getter/setter pair
indexOf num Function(T, [num?])
getter/setter pair
join String Function([String?])
getter/setter pair
keys IterableIterator<num> Function()
getter/setter pair
lastIndexOf num Function(T, [num?])
getter/setter pair
length num
Gets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest element defined in an array.
no setter
map List<U> Function<U>(U (T, num, List<T>), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
reduce → ({T Function(T callbackfn(T, T, num, List<T>)) $1, T Function(T callbackfn(T, T, num, List<T>), T initialValue) $2, U Function<U>(U callbackfn(U, T, num, List<T>), U initialValue) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
reduceRight → ({T Function(T callbackfn(T, T, num, List<T>)) $1, T Function(T callbackfn(T, T, num, List<T>), T initialValue) $2, U Function<U>(U callbackfn(U, T, num, List<T>), U initialValue) $3})
Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3
no setter
slice List<T> Function([num?, num?])
getter/setter pair
some bool Function(Object? (T, num, List<T>), [dynamic])
getter/setter pair
toLocaleString String Function()
getter/setter pair
toReversed List<T> Function()
getter/setter pair
toSorted List<T> Function([num (T, T)?])
getter/setter pair
toString$ String Function()
getter/setter pair
values IterableIterator<T> Function()
getter/setter pair
with$ List<T> Function(num, T)
getter/setter pair


concat([Iterable? items]) List<T>
Combines two or more arrays. @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
toSpliced(num start, num deleteCount, [Iterable? items]) List<T>
Copies an array and removes elements while, if necessary, inserting new elements in their place, returning the remaining elements. @param start The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements. @param deleteCount The number of elements to remove. @param items Elements to insert into the copied array in place of the deleted elements. @returns A copy of the original array with the remaining elements.


operator [](num index) → T