Range$Typings extension
- on
- cloneContents ↔ DocumentFragment Function()
getter/setter pair
- cloneRange ↔ Range Function()
getter/setter pair
- collapse ↔ void Function([bool?])
getter/setter pair
- commonAncestorContainer → Node
Returns the node, furthest away from the document, that is an ancestor of both range's start node and end node.
no setter
- compareBoundaryPoints ↔ num Function(num, Range)
getter/setter pair
- comparePoint ↔ num Function(Node, num)
getter/setter pair
- createContextualFragment ↔ DocumentFragment Function(String)
getter/setter pair
- deleteContents ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
- detach ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
- endToEnd → num
no setter
- endToStart → num
no setter
- extractContents ↔ DocumentFragment Function()
getter/setter pair
- getBoundingClientRect ↔ DOMRect Function()
getter/setter pair
- getClientRects ↔ DOMRectList Function()
getter/setter pair
- insertNode ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- intersectsNode ↔ bool Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- isPointInRange ↔ bool Function(Node, num)
getter/setter pair
- selectNode ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- selectNodeContents ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- setEnd ↔ void Function(Node, num)
getter/setter pair
- setEndAfter ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- setEndBefore ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- setStart ↔ void Function(Node, num)
getter/setter pair
- setStartAfter ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- setStartBefore ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- startToEnd → num
no setter
- startToStart → num
no setter
- surroundContents ↔ void Function(Node)
getter/setter pair
- toString$ ↔ String Function()
getter/setter pair