Int16ArrayConstructor$Typings extension
- bytesPerElement → num
Available on Int16ArrayConstructor, provided by the Int16ArrayConstructor$Typings extension
The size in bytes of each element in the setter -
→ ({Int16List Function<
T>(List< $1, Int16List Function(Iterable<T> arrayLike, num mapfn(T, num), [dynamic thisArg])num> arrayLike, [num mapfn(num, num)?, dynamic thisArg]) $2}) -
Available on Int16ArrayConstructor, provided by the Int16ArrayConstructor$Typings extension
Overload accessor: $1, $2no setter - of ↔ Int16List Function([Iterable?])
Available on Int16ArrayConstructor, provided by the Int16ArrayConstructor$Typings extension
getter/setter pair